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water heater...
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water heaters are sized to meet the needs of users.


Turn off the power to the water heater.


John Doe died in his bath, asphyxiated by the fumes from a gas water-heater.


Some appliances, for example a water heater, are connected to the full 240 V.


The company camp: Household gas water heater, electricity water heater, gas stove.

公司主营: 家用燃气热水器 、 电热水器 、 燃气采暖炉.

Dairy barn water heater equipped with Non - CFC foam insulation.

挤奶厂热水器配置 无氟 泡沫保温材料.

Once the tank is full of water, plug in the water heater.

等到容器注满水后, 将热水器插头插上.

We just repaired the walls and replaced the water heater.


This controller solves the control problem of dual function gas water heater.


For replacing the anode, shut - off the power to the water heater.

如果需要更换阳极棒, 请先关闭热水器电源.

Located near the fixture that this water heater will supply.


Equipped with ignition stove, range hood, water heater, double bed, large wardrobe!

配有打火灶, 排油烟机, 热水器, 双人床, 大衣柜!

Matching facilities: Natural gas, fuel gas stove, conditioning, water heater, wired.

配套设施: 天然气, 燃气灶, 空调, 热水器, 有线.

With a refrigerator, television, water heater, there is a separate room.

带冰箱, 电视, 热水器, 有单独的饭厅.

What the temperature of water heater is turned on?

你问的就是热水器的温度调到 多少 ?

Tenant: I want to report a broken hot water heater.

房客: 我想报告热水炉坏了.

Check the temperature setting on your hot water heater.


"water heater"的基本信息





